TDI conversion

Eric S scirocco at
Fri Oct 22 14:41:14 EDT 2004

True, I assumed diesel fuel fliter, but didn't specifically say that. 
Actually, there were alot of specific details I left out...just wanted him
to get an overall picture of the complexity of the swap.

VW does use a bosch diesel fuel filter with the drain cock on the bottom,
and, if you get lucky, there is even a Bosch water sensor that screws in
there that can provide you warning when you need to drain the filter (if
you can be lucky enough to find one of the sensor kits that is):

I'd suggest, that any further discussions on the topic be taken to the
appropriate list:  TDI-conversion at

Making that suggestion based on the assumption that a TDI conversion Audi
is not a interesting topic for most here.  Correct me if I am wrong.


1981 Scirocco S (TDI swap project)
1988 Audi 90 Quattro
1990 Corrado TDI
1991 Cabriolet (2.0 crossflow 8v project)

sdewitt at said:
> You forgot to mention what type of fuel filter to use. Gasoline cars have
> evaporative emissions which largly prevents moisutre from collecting in
> the fuel tank from condensation. Diesel's do not have this, in many
> instances, like my 84 rabbit, the tank is vented directly to the
> atmosphere, which causes water to condense inside the tank due to
> temerature changes. Gasoline fuel filters will not remove water, however
> the diesel filter will, and some have a spigot which will allow the user
> to drain the water.
> Water + 26,000 psi in a diesel injection pump will quickly destroy it.

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