wheel question

Enzeder enzeder at comcast.net
Sun Oct 24 09:19:50 EDT 2004

At 07:15 PM 10/20/2004, ben wrote:
>I have a set of Audi steel wheels with 225-50R16 tires on them.  The
>tires look a bit too wide for the wheels, but I'd like to know whether
>this is my imagination.

looking at the Dunlop site (for example only), they list 6" as a minimum width.

Question: What tire/wheel combo does Audi use for the optional A6 4.2 wheels?
Answer: 255/40-17 on 8" wheels.  Several manufacturers I checked spec a 
minimum of 8½" for such a tire (including Dunlop for the SP9000).  BTW, 
Dunlop says that a srange of rim widths are "Approved", not "Required" or 
"Legal" or even "Recomended".

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