birth parent seeks adopted urq

Chris Dyer chrisdyer at
Wed Oct 20 21:41:43 EDT 2004

This may be a lark, sorry for the WOB.

A few months ago, a possible lister (?) was selling a urq re-painted a dark 
green/teal color.  I think the lister was from MT.  Anyway, there's a 
possibility that was from my dad's dealership back in the winter of '82-83.

My parent's vw/audi dealership was Borum Dyer VW/Audi (nee Plombon VW) in 
Eau Claire, WI. The car was silver, and wow'ed the sh!t out of me at the 
time.  My first ride was during a WI blizzard. I was walking from junior 
high to my after school job.  My dad pulled up and asked if I needed a ride! 
Dumb question! The ride after work, we thought something was wrong because 
we heard this constant brushing sound on the undercarriage. Turns out it was 
the front air dam plowing snow the whole 10 miles home down country roads! 

That car was later used in a Michigan ski resort/Penthouse magazine 
promotion. Penthouse was giving one away in some contest, and our 
dealership's urq was the closest. So my conservative parents sat down and 
had dinner with a bunch of Penthouse pets--I'm guessing my dad enjoyed that 

Anyway, no big deal. I just got off the phone reminicing w/my dad about 
cars, and that urq came up, I asked what happened to it, he said a guy in MT 
bought it, I remembered the classified ad...

thanks for listening

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