how to determine hose sizes??

Roa, Greg Greg.Roa at Cinergy.COM
Thu Oct 28 11:43:37 EDT 2004

 My apologies, you're correct.  I read the question too quickly.  I was
thinking of the blue hose on the 4kq's that goes from the brake fluid
reservior to the clutch.  I'm way out in left field on that one.

Does the hose he is talking about have a banjo fitting on the end?  I've
not replaced that one on my 5ktq.  I've done the other two low pressure
hoses on the 5ktq from the reservior to rack, and to the pump.  Those
were very reasonably priced when I replaced them.

Greg Roa
Cincinnati, OH
86' 4kcsq x2
87' 5kcstq
93' 90CS
83' 944

-----Original Message-----
From: Ameer Antar [mailto:antar at] 
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:32 AM
To: Roa, Greg
Cc: Quattro List
Subject: Re: how to determine hose sizes??

Actually, this hose won't be seeing any brake fluid...This line is the
return line for the brake bomb, which is only mineral oil. Most fuel
hoses are made of nitrile rubber which is fine for many types of fluids
including fuel, oil, and brake fluid too.


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