For those who have, have had or want parts cars (LAC)

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at
Sun Oct 31 04:59:40 EST 2004

We've got something similar in the UK - known as Statuary Off Road 
Basically, if you own a vehicle which has had a road fund licence effective 
after some date (Janauary 1998 I think) then you have to declare it as 'Off 
Road' every 12 months or you get fined (on the assumption that you're 
actually using the thing). OK, it doesn't cost anything other than a few 
minutes of your time to go to a licencing office and hand the form over but 
I've got three cars off-road and each notification expires at a different 
point in the year.

Local authorities also have powers that allow them to remove 'abandonded' 
vehicles even when these are on private land - they are supposed to give the 
owner (if they can locate them) 2 weeks notice but it doesn't always happen.


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "George Harris" <harchris at>
To: "Keith Lawyer" <LawyerKG at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: For those who have, have had or want parts cars (LAC)

>I have a number of parts cars on my property, but I'm lucky in that no one 
>has complained and to the best of my knowledge there are no laws against 
>it. But I am doing a bit of 'self policing'. We recently decided to severe 
>and sell a lot, and to make it more salable I decided to erect a hoop shed. 
>That's a green house like structure made of steel hoops covered in opaque 
>plastic. Mine will store about 6 cars depending on arrangement and room for 
> Perhaps these temporary structures are legal in your area and maybe this 
> is the solution to your problem.
> Reading the law though it looks like a person who has say a single classic 
> vehicle or even a brand new vehicle, would not be allowed to store it on 
> their property unless it had a current license plate. This appears a bit 
> unreasonable.
> Cheers
> George
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