oil sludge recall for 1.8t's MORE

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Mon Sep 6 22:32:56 EDT 2004

Someone "signed off" the warranty booklet on our '99 1.8T for the last two or 
three oil/service changes. Before we took delivery.
Its not a dealer stamp................its Audi finance....they do Oil changes?

-Scott by BOSTON

> > I wouldn't scrap all those 1.8T motors yet. <<<SNIP>>>
> I don't this is anything new.  I've seen this problem on all kinds of 
> engines - sometimes it's
> carelessness and sometimes it's downright dishonesty.
> I really believe a major cause is garages claiming to have carried out work 
> (such as oil
> changes) when they haven't touched the car.  I inspect cars for potential 
> buyers on a regular
> basis - around one a week - and I very rarely find a car where everything 
> pans out.  You get
> documentation listing new this or that, or major work on this or that, and 
> you can tell
> instantly that whatever it is hasn't been touched for years.
> Oil changes are a case in point.  How many customers actually check that 
> there's a new filter
> on, and pull the dipstick to see the nice clean oil?  Damn few.  So a garage 
> that'e either
> fundamentally dishonest or occasionally dishonest (customer wants the car 
> back by five but we
> haven't had time to do the oil change - he won't notice) can skip the work 
> with no obvious

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