EC stoops to a new low, Porsche design team finds a brain

Brett Dikeman brett at
Tue Sep 7 00:29:58 EDT 2004

At 11:36 AM -0600 9/6/04, Ed Kellock wrote:
>I received one shredded copy a few weeks ago.  I found their 800# in
>the magazine and made a call.  I had a new copy in a manila envelope
>before my next regular issue.  Hasn't been shredded since.  I'm not
>sure there's much AutoWeek can do about it that wouldn't impact
>subscription cost.  It's not as substantial a mag, weight wise so it's
>probably easier for it to get shredded.
>As for the content, I see errors as well from time to time.  I'm sure
>it's tought to do a weekly, but it's not like they haven't been doing
>it for awhile.  Seems the current staff is a bit lax.  I still enjoy
>receiving a weekly though.  Get on their website and let them know
>every time you find an error and it'll improve in time.

Ed- we're talking about European Car, not Autoweek :-)

EC has barely managed to crank out 3-4 issues this year thus far, or 
I'm not getting most of them.

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