oil sludge recall for 1.8t's

Ti Kan ti at amb.org
Tue Sep 7 00:45:08 EDT 2004

SuffolkD at aol.com writes:
> Brett:  Agreed to a point.
> The owners manual for the '99 1.8T A4 and the '99 2.8 NA V6 in the A6 have 
> 10K and (for the A6:15 K intervals.)  The first one is 5K for the 1.8T THEN 
> Horribly long...............IMHO for those who plan to keep cars well past 
> 150K
> Its Audi's/VW's/AOA fault IMHO to push those (oil change) invervals to save 
> money recommended by some accounting department bean 
> counter..................remember Audi does the maint for 50K on their tab.............

All recent Audis have a feature where the oil change interval can
be computed dynamically by the car, based on the driving conditions.
As most of us know, lots of stop-and-go city driving, or high-load
type of environment calls for more frequent oil changes than all-highway
use.  The service reminder in the car would take this into account and
base its next service schedule recommendation accordingly.

However all US-model Audis are programmed not to use this capability,
opting for fixed-interval service instead.  I believe all European market
Audis are programmed to use the dynamic service intervals.

I wonder why did AOA not want us to use this feature?  Wouldn't the
dynamic service interval reminder prevent a lot of these problems?

 R 1 3 5  Ti Kan
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