80Q torsen update

Jim Green jeg1976 at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 10 10:05:23 EDT 2004

--- "calvink at fastermac.net" <calvink at fastermac.net>

> It's official.  I just got a call about my immobile
> 80Q, and
> as I supected, the center diff is junk.  The biggest
> piece
> that came out of the drain was about the size of a
> dime. 
> So, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?  I'll be
> pulling
> the tranny and diff out of my parts car.  I'm still
> hoping
> to get some tips from people out there who have
> Apparently, the axle and driveshaft bolts can be a
> $*&@!^$#
> to remove.  Other than that, I hope it's pretty
> simple.

Calvin, I'm doing the same thing this weekend, but for
fun:)  Here's some tips I recieved on another forum.


Jim Green
'89 90tq
'89 80q

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