80Q torsen update

Chris Semple chris at force5auto.com
Sun Sep 12 19:23:03 EDT 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
> [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of
> calvink at fastermac.net

> It's official.  I just got a call about my immobile 80Q, and
> as I supected, the center diff is junk.  The biggest piece
> that came out of the drain was about the size of a dime.
> So, guess what I'll be doing this weekend?  I'll be pulling
> the tranny and diff out of my parts car.  I'm still hoping
> to get some tips from people out there who have BTDT.
> Apparently, the axle and driveshaft bolts can be a $*&@!^$#
> to remove.  Other than that, I hope it's pretty simple.
> Calvin K
> (looking forward to a weekend in the shade under an Audi)

FYI, on the 80/90 cars you can change out just the Torsen centre diff unit
without dropping the whole trans. Assuming you're happy enough with your
existing clutch and content that you've gotten the major failure bits out of
the trans itself. Not saying I'd *recommend* this option, but it is

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'92 S4
   '02 F350 DRW
      '93 E350 Club
         '81 Vw Pickup

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