Radiators Was: FW: Space Shuttle- NAC

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Sep 14 19:01:12 EDT 2004

 Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:

> >Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:

> Actually, no.  The Nissen is garbage according to Peter Schulz, who 
> found himself back in there to replace one after I think a year or 
> two after it corroded; the metal is thin and the welding job poor. 
> Other 200q20v listers have had similar experience, and the general 
> sentiment is that sourcing the Nissen was a mistake.  He also said 
> that there was "barely enough paint to make it black".

I've never used the Nissen, but with the Modine (do they still make
them?) I've had great experiences.  The one in the 5K is going on over 10
years and still looks like new, plus it paid for itself 2X over when the
5K was hit a few years ago, instead of shattering, the side dented in
about a 1/4 inch X 2 inches and ripped all the rubber bushings, insurance
paid for a new one, when I checked afterwards it was just a loose hose
clamp that was leaking.  New bushings and a clamp and it was back to
work.  Same radiator is still in the car, just the fact that I don't have
to hold my breath every time I LOOK at the top nipple is worth it's
weight in brass.

The other big plus is that the all metal radiator will usually fail with
a small leak, which will get you to your destination wherever it decides
to fail, whereas the plastic sided ones usually just blow apart at the
weakest point, BTDT.

Thanks for posting about the Nissen radiators, hadn't heard about how bad
they are before.  If nothing else is available in metal, I too will go
back to plastic when the time comes.


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