Radiators Was: FW: Space Shuttle- NAC

Joshua Van Tol josh at spiny.com
Wed Sep 15 13:43:25 EDT 2004

I've got a nissen radiator in my car and can confirm that they are 
junk. Mine leaks a bit, and seems to be allowing the engine to run a 
bit hotter each summer. I need to replace it, but having made it 
through the summer, I'll let it go till spring.

On Sep 14, 2004, at 5:59 PM, cobram at juno.com wrote:

>  Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:
>>> Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> writes:
>> Actually, no.  The Nissen is garbage according to Peter Schulz, who
>> found himself back in there to replace one after I think a year or
>> two after it corroded; the metal is thin and the welding job poor.
>> Other 200q20v listers have had similar experience, and the general
>> sentiment is that sourcing the Nissen was a mistake.  He also said
>> that there was "barely enough paint to make it black".
> I've never used the Nissen, but with the Modine (do they still make
> them?) I've had great experiences.  The one in the 5K is going on over 
> 10
> years and still looks like new, plus it paid for itself 2X over when 
> the
> 5K was hit a few years ago, instead of shattering, the side dented in
> about a 1/4 inch X 2 inches and ripped all the rubber bushings, 
> insurance
> paid for a new one, when I checked afterwards it was just a loose hose
> clamp that was leaking.  New bushings and a clamp and it was back to
> work.  Same radiator is still in the car, just the fact that I don't 
> have
> to hold my breath every time I LOOK at the top nipple is worth it's
> weight in brass.
> The other big plus is that the all metal radiator will usually fail 
> with
> a small leak, which will get you to your destination wherever it 
> decides
> to fail, whereas the plastic sided ones usually just blow apart at the
> weakest point, BTDT.
> Thanks for posting about the Nissen radiators, hadn't heard about how 
> bad
> they are before.  If nothing else is available in metal, I too will go
> back to plastic when the time comes.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
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