Coupe GT bushings question

Jonathan Monetti jmone3036 at
Thu Sep 16 23:20:46 EDT 2004


I'm in the process of doing much of what you describe to my 87.

Some thougths

1) check the archives.  *Lots* of info there.

2) If you are not inclined to do it yourself, the price your favorite
mechanic charged you doesn't sound low, but it's not outrageous either.  No
matter what, stay away from tire & muffler shops unless you know a tech
there who knows your car.

3) I pulled both control arms from my '86 parts car in about 60 minutes.
But keep in mind the time "X factor"--for example, if you don't have new
control arms (with bushings) on hand, you'll have to visit a machine shop to
have the old ones pressed out and new ones pressed in.  Or see Huw's
handy-dandy guide on bushing DIY:  In fact, I'd peruse the
whole site.

4) DIY or not, as mentioned many times on the list--lots of people go with
the old style bushing (PN: 811 407 181) and don't use the newer style (PN:
857 407 181) due to premature bushing failure.  Further, Blau sells a 'new
and improved' version of the new style, if you can follow that :)

5) As far as poly/delrin bushings...a matter of taste for many, but check
this post in the archives:  The last paragraph
convinced me to stay with OEM.

In short, if you haven't done this and this is your daily driver, I'd
consider taking it back to the mechanic you trust.  If you have other cars
or can arrange for transportation and like to get your hands dirty, its a
good job that will familiarize you with your coupe's suspension.  No matter
what, check the arhives and HUW's site!

Jonathan Monetti
2002 A4 1.8tq (pos)
1987.5 CGT

> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2004 15:15:15 -0500
> From: Chris Hall <badcomrade at>
> Subject: Coupe GT bushings question
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <121ac73d040916131533526396 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
> I took my car in to hopefully be aligned today (mainly because the two
> bolts on the plate at the end of the steering rack are loose, which
> makes for pretty sloppy steering and well, no alignment).  But of
> course, the guy comes out with a print out, telling me that they
> couldn't align the car because (as the printout said):
>  "will need lower control arms on both sides" (which in his
> explination meant lower control arm *bushings*)
> "possibly will need cradle bushings" which when I asked if he meant
> engine mounts (cause one is weak and I've never heard the term "cradle
> bushings") he said "well there (maybe "they") really aren't engine
> mounts" to which I looked at him like he was an idiot and said.. "uh,
> do you mean *subframe* bushings?"  to which he said yes...
> "lot of play in the rack n pinion" to which I replied "yeah, because
> those two bolts are loose on the that plate..." and he gave me a sort
> of "oh".
> Then of course he tells me "we can't get any parts for your car
> because it's an Audi" (local tire shop...) and suggests that maybe I
> take it to "an audi dealer or somethin".
> So, I'm just wondering if anyone knows either how hard it is to
> replace all the bushings on your own (I didn't swap out my own trans
> when I needed it done, so I'm thinking I'm not the one to be dropping
> an entire subframe) or what you think it should cost (chicago area) to
> have it done?  Years ago I remember having some tie rod ends, a ball
> joint or two, some strut inserts and some bushings replaced at my
> favorite mechanic, and it was something like $800-$1000 (might have
> had something else done... can't remember).
> I also want to know... I know the poly bushings give a "harder ride"
> blah blah blah but will they last 3 times longer that the damn rubber
> / steel ones that are standard on the car?  If I own this thing for
> another 20 years (haha) I don't want to ever have to replace them
> again... :)
> Thanks

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