Audi's alien technology!

Ben Doughney ben_d at
Sat Sep 18 05:43:07 EDT 2004

On 18/09/2004, at 9:14 AM, Tyson Varosyan wrote:

> One day a few months ago while
> minding my business, driving round town, the light just decided to 
> flicker.
> Then it lit sometimes. Now it works good as new. Been about 3 months 
> now...
> Aliens, little leprechauns, whatever... Wish they would come around 
> more
> often.

Does that light run off engine vacuum or something? My one has never 
worked, and so far the leprechauns haven't fixed it yet. Perhaps I 
should leave a pot of gold out for them? ;-)

Ben Doughney

'71 1600TL
'65 1500N - Val
'70 411L Variant
'70 NSU Ro80
'71 NSU Ro80
'85 Audi 90 2.3E Quattro
'83 Audi Coupe GT 5S

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