power steering fluid leak

Kneale Brownson knotnook at traverse.com
Sat Sep 18 16:20:49 EDT 2004

Did YOU install the new bomb or did you have someone install it?  First
guess would be the hard line that goes from the bomb to the booster, but it
also could be the line from the pump to the bomb.

If you had NO leaking previously, I'd start by examining those two lines.

What year/model car?

At 11:51 AM 9/18/2004 -0700, Robert Woerner wrote:
>We just put in a new bomb .lots of pressure now but I think the old one
>may have caused a leak ...it started leaking prior to replacement and
>after we refilled container and took it for a drive ...100 miles....  it
>went from max to med leval  and fluid was on the ground .   Where should
>we look for leaks ?    bw

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