CIS-E experts out there? (not here but...)

sinbuster at sinbuster at
Thu Sep 30 15:35:30 EDT 2004

Dear DJ

No expert here, but, does the Oxygen sensor feed that circuit?  Or dirty air by 
pass, throttle plate, dirty air cleaner?  Or still a leaky hose connection?  
There are a couple hose connections beneath the ISV that are tricky to see and 


> Message: 11
> Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 12:37:33 -0400
> From: CTDiesel at
> Subject: CIS-E experts out there?
> To: quattro at
> Message-ID: <2DFD7E12.0608B6CB.00686319 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> On an 87 4kq CIS-E system, I cannot get the duty cycle for the ISV below 62%.
>  I have replaced the ISV, throttle switches, temp sensor, hall sender and
> generator, and ECU.  The vacuum lines are all new and the hose that always
> gets "sucked flat" is holding firm.   I get the hummm with the key on and i
> get continuity on the ISV and voltage to the connector.  The ignition timing
> are spot on and the mixture is ~10ma at the DPR.  Things that make you go
> hmmmm!!!!
> DJ

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