CIS-E experts out there?

santoli9 at santoli9 at
Thu Sep 30 16:03:23 EDT 2004

Huw's site is allways a good starting point:
Although it sounds like your allready at least that far....
Bad O2 sensor?

> From: CTDiesel at
> Date: 2004/09/29 Wed PM 12:37:33 EDT
> To: quattro at
> Subject: CIS-E experts out there?
> On an 87 4kq CIS-E system, I cannot get the duty cycle for the ISV below 62%.  I have replaced the ISV, throttle switches, temp sensor, hall sender and generator, and ECU.  The vacuum lines are all new and the hose that always gets "sucked flat" is holding firm.   I get the hummm with the key on and i get continuity on the ISV and voltage to the connector.  The ignition timing are spot on and the mixture is ~10ma at the DPR.  Things that make you go hmmmm!!!!
> DJ
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