No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes on MC-1 CGT conversion

Eric Sanborn eric.ql at
Thu Sep 30 20:13:54 EDT 2004

Ben Swann wrote:

>Q'phile and engine swappers,
>I did not get any feedback yet, not that many have ventured this deep, but figured someone may have encountered similar problem - I don't know if this is because of something wired wrong, or a faulty component. 

What fuel pump relay are you using?  Is it a MC unit?  Have you tried 
starting it with just a headlight relay in the socket?  This would make 
the pump run when ever the key is in the on condition, but would 
temporarly remove one faulty system so you could focus on getting spark.

I struggled with my swap for a while before I realized I had forgotten 
to put 12V on the coil.  I am sure you thought of that however.  Have 
you made sure you still have 12V at the coil during cranking?  Maybe you 
have the run circuit instead of the start/run circuit.  Have you tried 
putting a timing light pickup on the coil wire just to see if there is 
any spark?  Is the distributor lined up when at TDC on #1?

I don't know that it will help since my swap was a KH, but who knows.

I'll keep thinking about it.  Let us/me know if you are successful.

Eric Sanborn
'85 4ktq

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