No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes on MC-1 CGT conversion

Ben Swann benswann at
Thu Sep 30 15:20:28 EDT 2004

Q'phile and engine swappers,

I did not get any feedback yet, not that many have ventured this deep, but figured someone may have encountered similar problem - I don't know if this is because of something wired wrong, or a faulty component. 

I have provided details regarding the wiring on the newly installed 5kt engine into '83 CGT in a webpage.  If anyone has a good idea what to try next, I'd appreciate it.  I'm at a dead-end right now - short of testing some suspect components, but everything keeps checking out OK.

Here are the details and this information should be useful to anyone doing an MC or similar conversion.    I wish I'd had this info. available in concise fashion when I started.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ben Swann 
  To: quattro at 
  Cc: Ben Swann 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 9:10 PM
  Subject: No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes on MC-1 CGT conversion

  I'm troubleshooting an MC-1 with MAC-11 ECU, wiring harness and sensors that is being installed into an '83 GT Coupe.  

  <snip - details captured in webpage> 

  With key on I have power to the coil 15, and so far all checks indicate things are as they should be.  Yet when the starter is engaged, I get no spark - using a grounded plug on #1 wire to test and the fuel pump does not turn on.  What is the trigger for the pump?   


  So what would cause a no spark/no fuel pump on cranking, yet have no codes generated?

  TIA for help from those willing to follow through what I've done so far.  I plan to put up a page on the wiring integration once complete.


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