UrS6 fault code 2341

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 17:03:06 EDT 2005

While playing with my friend's 100CSQA (no start, seems diagnosis has
led to an intermittent fuel pump relay), I decided to pull codes on my
S6 using the same jumper for pulling codes on the 100. Got the above
(2-3-4-1) code, just wondering what it is. For the record, I would get
a check engine flash when decending a steep dirt road at SLOOOOW,
speeds, which could be immediately cancelled by reving the engine
after disengaging the clutch. Would that be a revs under (or out of)
range code?

LL - NY - Bentley's and VAG-COM currently inaccessible....

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