Re 200 Ignition Switch

Tom Leppke-Hennig printhead at
Mon Apr 11 17:45:42 EDT 2005

<<Update for all of you.  I replaced this part despite the audi putting
up a good fight.  The loctite on these set screws (jeweler's size
flathead btw) required using a vice-grip wrench around the screw
driver to loosen!

Car is back together and I still have the same problem, key not
springing back from start position.  In addition, airbag light now on,
gotta love it.

Any advice out there for a frustrated audi owner?>>

Re: Not springing back: Take it apart again (sorry) and confirm that the lock cylinder/key
itself is capable of turning easily. That is a necessary ingredient for this assy to work

Re: Airbag light. This job must be conducted with the battery disconnected (not just the
airbag wire disconnected). Otherwise you might get a light. I say might because sometimes
you'll get away with it, but most of the time not. The airbag light is a hard-code that has
to be reset with the VAG1551 (sp?) or a VAGCOM or equivalent. Just reading the codes using a
blink technique will not clear it. Also note that the airbag is defeated until that code is

Tom LH

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