200 Ignition Switch Replacement

TWFAUST at aol.com TWFAUST at aol.com
Mon Apr 11 18:11:16 EDT 2005

It has been several years since I did this, on a '90 100. At the time I was 
armed with only the 5K Bentley and noticed the under dash differences you 
mention. Not to take credit, I found this method on the web. Can't recall whose 

Anyway, with the wheel off and other thinks out of the way, I undid the 
"knuckle" at floor level. With he column free at the floor, it is held by an 
aluminum "V" bracket at the top. Then, using a piece of wood and a BFH, I gave it a 
good whack on the top of the column. This freed the column from the "V" 
bracket and made everything accessible for switch removal.

It might have been Chris Miller's site, the site concerned 20V cars.

Tom Faust

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