Sunroof and window woes

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Sun Apr 24 01:46:40 EDT 2005

Sounds like the feature designed not to pinch fingers doesn't like the amount of effort required to close them. I'd check their alignment and lubricate the tracks. 
Tony Hoffman

Eric Langheinrich <eric at> wrote:
I have a '96 A6, and sometimes it seems like the drivers side window and the sunroof don't want to close. What I mean is, the window will go most of the way up before going all the way back down on it's own. The sunroof does essentially the same thing. If I press the window switch again, eventually, the window will go all the way up. The sunroof, I have to move the switch to all the way open, and then it will close. 

Any ideas on what I should be looking at respectively?
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