Taka was right (was ATF in PS rack on 4K series)

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at staxman.net
Sun Apr 24 21:20:43 EDT 2005

On Sunday, April 24, 2005, at 08:18 AM, William Magliocco wrote:

> It had to do with the hydraulic power
> brakes.  ATF was not suitable for that part of the
> application, thus, the green gooey stuff became the
> product for the PS/PB application.
I know my '87 4kq  doesn't have the fully-powered brakes a la 5k, but 
on the reservoir it says mineral hydraulic oil (G00200). My mechanic 
has also suggested that whether green goo was necessary in the first 
place or not, switching to ATF at this point could cause leaks. What's 
the list's wisdom? Thanks.

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