Taka was right (was ATF in PS rack on 4K series)

LL - NY larrycleung at gmail.com
Sun Apr 24 21:56:16 EDT 2005

If the reservoir SAYS green goo (probably Pentosin 7.11, based upon
time of mfg, cheaper stuff), AND there's been green goo in it, I'd stick
with green goo. If it already has ATF (red) in it, and it's not leaking, 
you prolly can get away with it. But be aware, the seals were designed
with the specified fluids in mind. 

BTW, you can update to Pentosin 11 (green can, red top) but cannot
backdate to 7.11 without a flush. Check the archives as to the reasons
why, I don't recall. If you're unsure what's in the car, I'd go with P11, 
(which is the current spec Audi G00200) rather than risk backdating.
Sorry about that for your wallet.


On 4/24/05, Andrew Buc <AndrewBuc at staxman.net> wrote:
> On Sunday, April 24, 2005, at 08:18 AM, William Magliocco wrote:
> > It had to do with the hydraulic power
> > brakes.  ATF was not suitable for that part of the
> > application, thus, the green gooey stuff became the
> > product for the PS/PB application.
> >
> I know my '87 4kq  doesn't have the fully-powered brakes a la 5k, but
> on the reservoir it says mineral hydraulic oil (G00200). My mechanic
> has also suggested that whether green goo was necessary in the first
> place or not, switching to ATF at this point could cause leaks. What's
> the list's wisdom? Thanks.
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