
Robert Rossato r0ssat0_987 at
Mon Apr 25 12:37:16 EDT 2005

My sentiments exactly.  First of all I have absolutely zero respect for someone that feels the need to hide behind a bogus e-mail address.  Secondly, if 20 different people had posted different items there would have been no peep from Mr. No Name, but because one person posts 20 different items he has a problem?  Grow up.

I'm with you. If I have various things to sell I want nothing to do with a forum that forces you to place them all in one ad.  That benefits no one.


 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: AUDIJIM at
> I see the marketplace is back up. And we still got yet another "Toledo" 
> e-mail from the guy who will not show his/her real name. That's just cowardly in 
> my 
> opinion. Since you know how to place and ad on Audifan's, why don't you try 
> reading the " Advertisement Posting Guidelines" and pay special 
> attention to the "Terms" instead of just blowing by them while posting a bogus 
> ad 
> to complain about someone. Nowhere does it state in "TERMS" how many ads you 
> may post. I am personally guilty of this type of ad placing because I feel it 
> is a better way to place an ad. If I grouped a bunch of stuff into one ad, I 
> may not get the exposure I need to sell it or give it away. If I list 
> everything into separate ads, the potential buyer will have a better chance on 
> seeing 
> what he/she is looking for. Why didn't you want to ban the "Cherry Hill, NJ" 
> guy or Jim Furdyn/Audi5TurboTech guy? I posts ads just like the ones your sick 
> of seeing. I have given away a lot of parts recently for free. I was sick of 
> seeing the parts I stripped off cars years ago and not needing them, and I 
> couldn't think of a better group to "GIVE" them to, like the people of 
> Audifan's. 
> Are we adults here? One lister said it perfectly, "Try using your scroll 
> button."
> Jim Furdyn
> ///Audi5TurboTech
> 011 1 856 482 1646
> Yahoo e-group address:
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