
Emre Washburn yumyjager at
Mon Apr 25 15:00:34 EDT 2005

Would it be possible to group the "Parts" advertisement forum as so we have 
separate forums for wheels, suspension, brakes, body, etc.? If it's not so 
much of a trouble for the webmaster, I think it would be a welcome upgrade. 
This way we have a better grouping system than just "Cars" and "Parts", and 
we won't see 30 plus postings in a single forum from anyone person whom 
deems it necessary to do so. Just my $0.02, and opinion on how to appease 
the matter between both sides, although, knowingly, the Audifans Marketplace 
has always worked just fine.

92 //S4
90 Cq
40 valves 'O plenty! 

 On 4/25/05, Robert Rossato <r0ssat0_987 at> wrote: 
> My sentiments exactly. First of all I have absolutely zero respect for 
> someone that feels the need to hide behind a bogus e-mail address. Secondly, 
> if 20 different people had posted different items there would have been no 
> peep from Mr. No Name, but because one person posts 20 different items he 
> has a problem? Grow up.
> I'm with you. If I have various things to sell I want nothing to do with a 
> forum that forces you to place them all in one ad. That benefits no one.
> Bob
> -------------- Original message ----------------------
> From: AUDIJIM at
> > I see the marketplace is back up. And we still got yet another "Toledo"
> > e-mail from the guy who will not show his/her real name. That's just 
> cowardly in
> > my
> > opinion. Since you know how to place and ad on Audifan's, why don't you 
> try
> > reading the " <> Advertisement Posting 
> Guidelines" and pay special
> > attention to the "Terms" instead of just blowing by them while posting a 
> bogus
> > ad
> > to complain about someone. Nowhere does it state in "TERMS" how many ads 
> you
> > may post. I am personally guilty of this type of ad placing because I 
> feel it
> > is a better way to place an ad. If I grouped a bunch of stuff into one 
> ad, I
> > may not get the exposure I need to sell it or give it away. If I list
> > everything into separate ads, the potential buyer will have a better 
> chance on
> > seeing
> > what he/she is looking for. Why didn't you want to ban the "Cherry Hill, 
> NJ"
> > guy or Jim Furdyn/Audi5TurboTech guy? I posts ads just like the ones 
> your sick
> > of seeing. I have given away a lot of parts recently for free. I was 
> sick of
> > seeing the parts I stripped off cars years ago and not needing them, and 
> I
> > couldn't think of a better group to "GIVE" them to, like the people of
> > Audifan's.
> > Are we adults here? One lister said it perfectly, "Try using your scroll
> > button."
> >
> > Jim Furdyn
> > ///Audi5TurboTech
> > 011 1 856 482 1646
> > <>
> > Yahoo e-group address:
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > quattro mailing list
> > quattro at
> >
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