Chevron gasoline

Adam A. Luy Adam at
Wed Apr 27 20:18:35 EDT 2005

"oh, the owner filled me up with 94, when all I need is 89...well, let's advance the timing a whole bunch, whoopeee!"

Hahahahahahaha!!! Don't you just wish it would do that though?

That's Brett, always keepin' it real....


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Brett Dikeman
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 4:38 PM
To: Dave Head
Cc: qlist
Subject: Re: Chevron gasoline

On Apr 27, 2005, at 3:21 PM, Dave Head wrote:

> Any car with a knock sensor and a turbo will benefit from a higher 
> octane rating.
> Most cars with knock sensors will benefit from a higher octane rating.

The ECU is programmed with timing and boost tables designed for a specific octane minimum octane; it won't take advantage of a higher octane just by throwing it in the tank.  Running a higher octane than what is recommended will in fact hurt performance because overall efficiency drops; higher octanes burn more slowly, so that detonation doesn't occur.

Knock control is designed purely for TEMPORARY running on inferior  
gas or with engine problems (severe deposit buildup, for example).   
It doesn't magically see "oh, the owner filled me up with 94, when all I need is 89...well, let's advance the timing a whole bunch, whoopeee!"

> Try running race gas in a V8 - it loves it!

Then you have internal engine problems- like the wrong plugs, or a lot of carbon buildup...or your gas station is shorting you on octane levels.  Check with a scan tool to make sure the ECU isn't retarding ignition more than it should be.

Quite a bit of race gas is also leaded, which is a sure fire way to destroy the cat and O2 sensor in very short order.

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