New A6 Avant ...

urq urq at
Thu Aug 4 15:10:08 EDT 2005

... eight years ago folks were saying the same thing ... if you believe the 
other models have better fit and finish and that is important to you ... it 
sounds like the Asian luxo makers are learning that folks do apply a value 
to AWD ... go there and you can have it all!  I'm interested in active 
safety, which is something I believe Audi excels in ... that's why I drive 
AWD cars even though I rarely drive in snow.  Audi pioneered a occupant 
protection system that didn't require planting explosive charges in people's 
faces ... but since that seemed to be the protective mechanism the buyers 
wanted they abandoned the Procon-Ten system.  Are you aware of which marque 
has two new models that are tops for occupant safety?  Hint, the new A6 is 
one of them.  No, it is not ovloV.

Audis have always been on the expensive side ... but it is interesting to 
note that the MSRP on my '88 5kCSQA wasn't that much less than what Audi is 
asking for the new model almost 20 years later.  Audi has gained in 
popularity somehow, but I've always felt that if they did a better job of 
showing the buyers the advances they do have they would do even better.

... my biggest beef on the new Avant is the lack of a manual shifter ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

> Also, I'm sure Infinity and Lexus surpassed Audi about 8 years 
> fit, finish, quality and resale............ Sans the Quattro (of course)

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