A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
Ben Swann
benswann at comcast.net
Mon Aug 8 12:22:44 EDT 2005
Assuming you have verified this is not a slipping belt because it is too
loose, then obviously you will need to replace the compressor. One other
possibility is the system might be overcharged causing the pump to work
against itself.
I have replaced about 6 compressors and charged using the Envirosafe
refrigerant several times without too much hassle. ES is pretty
foolproof, and I have not had to go through the efforts of replacing
receiver dryer. I just clean up the O-rings and fittings and put some
permatex gasket seal (black goo) on them and tighten them onto the
replacement compressor.
Then evacuate the system - I have been using the vacuum unit available from
Harbor Freight that attaches to your compressor - works fine and pulls down
to -20 PSI. Let it hold vaccum for around 20 min. Having a set of guages
helps not only to know what high and low side presures are, but also to
control evacuation from both sides and change over to charge without losing
the vacuum. After having done a few of these, I now try to avoid those
silly R134a connectors, as they just seem to cause trouble, so if you get
the ES, make sure it has the capability to tap with regular R12 tap, or as
in the case of the large cylinders, you can just hook the lines directly up.
The first batch of ES i got had the R134 style threads and it was a pain
chasing down an adaptor everytime I used these and then the quick release
R134 charge hose procured from the local FLAPs tended to leak. Much better
now that I'm not dealing with these, but I did get some nice R-134 fittings
from autorefrigerents.com and they are nice and cost less than the cheap
things you get in the conversion kits. You'll need some oil and the R-12
oil 4 OZ can available at FLAPS works fine before adding the refrigerant.
Somewhere between one 8 OZ can and 2 is enough to charge the system and two
cans is plenty.
I know that this is short of what a pro-shop would do for a paying customer,
but so far it has been working well for me.
This ES stuff is far easier to use and forgiving than R132 and blows nice
and cold. I've done around 6 systems now with it.
See: Enviro-safe industrial Refrigerant 12a
I just bought enough Envirosafe Industrial to do many cars, so if you want
I'd be happy to charge the system for not much, if you want to hike over to
'Naptown for a spell.
[Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 21:23:27 -0400
From: David <duandcc_forums at cox.net>
Subject: A/C Compressor Recomendations for Coupe GT?
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
<20050808012326.SRPP20730.eastrmmtao04.cox.net at smtp.east.cox.net>
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Took my 1987 Coupe GT 2.3 on a nice long trip this weekend. By mile 200 the
compressor bearings were chirping and would screech like a banshee whenever
engine revs dropped to idle. She made it to the desitnation still providing
vent temps of 38-40*F on a 85+*F day. Not bad. But on the return trip she
started warming up. Vent temps slowly climbed to 50*F and I had to drop to
4th gear to keep the revs high enough to keep it cooling and the compressor
now sounded like a screaming banshee anytime the engine RPMs dropped below
3,500. She was still cooling down to around 40* as long as I kept the engine
RPMs up high when I arrived home. Parked her and decided to let her cool
down a little then check the bolt to see if it might just be loose. Started
her up a little later and the compressor is totally frozen. Belt is of
normal tightness but well worn at this point. Tried a little belt dressing,
still wont budge even with RPMs above 4,000. All it does is slip the
belt...so, to me tha
t sound like a dead York type compressor? Anyone think otherwise?
OK, I assume nobody is going to have an answer other than replace the
compressor. I've alway been of the mind that when replacing the compressor,
the receiver/dryer should be replaced too and the whole system flushed of
all oil then totally redone. Agreed? And what about the compressor itself?
Should I jsut get a reman or maybe even a new York? Or is there something
better I should get? If so, do they sell adaptors so it will bolt up?
Special belts needed? Special hoses or hose adaptors? Where should I get
them? Anyone sell a complete kit? Oh, jsut as an FYI, she was converted to
R134a a while back, but with this compressor changeover...she could be
converted to one of those R12 alternatives, if they work better than R134a.
Thoughts? Advice? Been there done that? How was it? Sorry for the
novel...hope to get lots of replies...
1987 CGT 2.3
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