Climate Control Flaps cobram at
Sat Aug 13 19:27:48 EDT 2005

Before I even get into the manual, looking for some BTDT if it's out
there.  Freon was a little low in the 1990 200TQA, vacuumed the system,
checked for leaks, and refilled with R12.  Temperature at center vent a
cool 40 degrees F.  Pretty good considering it's almost a buck outside
with ridiculous humidity.  So far so good...until I drove the car.

While driving, upon acceleration the air out of the vents gets diverted,
or blocked, can't really tell.  I just know it disappears.  Compressor
still on, evaporator still cold etc.  No air out vents on deceleration or
cruising.  The only way to get it back is to switch the CC to "econ", on
Econ the air starts coming out the vents again, switch to "auto" and the
AC blows out the vents normally, UNTIL I accelerate and the whole thing
starts over again.  

So I says to him, I said, get your own monkey.

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