Low control pressure and/or high system pressure????

Cody Forbes cody at 500tq.com
Fri Aug 26 19:00:20 EDT 2005

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tony Hoffman 
  To: Cody Forbes 
  Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2005 10:47 PM
  Subject: Re: Low control pressure and/or high system pressure????

  As much as I hate to say it, you are probably going to need to take the distributor off and clean it out. I've seen this before, and that's what it's been every time in my experience.

  Let me know if you find out something else before it gets that far.

  Tony Hoffman

Well today I tried my luck at disassembling the distributor. Came apart easy, but upon re-assembly the car wouldn't run at all. Lifting the meter plate gave no fuel to the injectors (going by that jet-like whine you get normally when you lift the plate), but there was pressure everywhere I tried as far as cracking fittings loose. I took it apart again and found all the o-rings on the plunger section was broken, presumably in the original re-assembly. I'll find a FLAPS and try to get some replacements tonight.

I think I found another problem though. I decided to check the cam timing and found that the distributor rotor is FUBAR, along with the cap. Thats probably my origianal problem, though I dont really know why it would change based on fuel mixture.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast. 

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