quattro Digest, Vol 22, Issue 64

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at sd27.bc.ca
Sat Aug 27 21:48:05 EDT 2005

> ... This means that my 7x15 rims should have an
offset of 42 mm, which means mine are 7 mm too wide on each side. Is this enough to cause a noticeable handling problem?

It can be as it moves the contact patch outward - increases the wheel base.  I got 15X7 OEM Ronal wheels meant for a 1992+ B3.  Similar handling issues on rutted roads IMO mainly due to tires - 205/50X15 Hankook Ventus V-rated,  stiff side wall.  Very good in cornering, not so on a straight line

>The only tire size listed for 15 inch rims (either 6 or 7 inch width) is 205 wide. My tires are 195 wide. Could this cause the problem?

If they're 195/50X15 the side wall is too narrow, not much flex, then yes, it will cause wandering, even more so if they're high-speed rated.  If it pulls more to one side, can swap tires side ot side to see if this changes and may be due to tire(s).

>What should I do to solve the problem?

Rally tires (somewhat kidding) with taller and maybe a little softer sidewall, main thing is to check wheel alignment.  Low profiles work well on smooth roads, like in Germany.

>In Norway, most roads have deep ruts. These are what cause the problem: The car wants to pull out of the rut, so I have to hold steering pressure to keep it into the rut. If the wheel goes over to the other side of the rut, the car pulls the other way, which is the
same way I am holding steering pressure. The car suddenly moves in that direction, and I have to sharply steer the other way to keep in lane.

Same in Canada


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