Water in oil/brown smoke

John S. Lagnese jlagnese at massed.net
Sat Dec 10 12:13:05 EST 2005

White smoke is uaually coolant. Headgasket?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nathan Ray" <skimaster77 at msn.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 10, 2005 4:57 AM
Subject: Water in oil/brown smoke

> A couple of days ago I started up the 86 4kq in the cold, (about zero
> degrees F) and it was acting real wierd.  While it was warming up it
> to put out some really white smoke which then proceeded to turn slightly
> brown, and I then turned it off.  I thought it might be burning oil or
> something because it was so cold and when I opened the oil cap it had the
> white paste on it that collects when water gets in mobil 1.  I've had this
> happen before because of a torn breather hose, but all of my hoses/lines
> sealed now and I don't know where the moisture would have come from.  Does
> this mean that I have a bad head gasket?  Is there any way to tell this
> sure?  What can I do to find out, or what is another way that water could
> get in the oil.  The motor has 240k or so unknown miles on it so would a
> head gasket just randomly go bad like this?  I don't drive the car hard at
> all so I'm not sure why this would have happened.  Hopefully you guys have
> some suggestions/btdt's for me because I don't want to do my first head
> over winter break.
> Thanks
> Nate Ray
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