BAC limits (was:Re: Kerbside Motors is no more)

Robert Mangas porter_t_dog at
Wed Feb 2 18:04:16 EST 2005

   Did anyone read the article in Car and Driver which was published shortly 
after the law in Michigan changed?  Would have been roughly 1997.

    They had several people drink at various speeds and had them blow 
periodically.  They found that an average sized guy could get put over the 
line by 1 (one) beer if consumed relatively quickly (say 15 minutes) and got 
pulled over shortly thereafter.

   I am in no way condoning operating while impared.

   Any law that is going to gig me for one beer is freaking ridiculous.

   To some extent, it's like gun control- all it does is further squelch the 
activites of those who care to follow the rules.

   I follow them, but I don't like it.

Oh yeah, as I recall, C&D found that peoples times on their informal 
autocross course improved for 3 beers and then went downhill.


>From: Huw Powell <audi at>
>Reply-To: audi at
>To: Richard J Lebens <rick-l at>
>CC: quattro at
>Subject: Re: Kerbside Motors is no more
>Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 17:52:09 -0500
>>>Current UK road traffic limit is 80milligrams of alcohol in 100
>>>millilitres of blood.
> > In the US Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of 0.08% is the limit.  Must be
> > similar to the UK since I see similar numbers but don't immediatly see
> > the conversion.
>In metric, there are no conversions necessary... 80 mg/100 ml = .08%
>By the way, we still have .10% states, but they are slowly vanishing.
>Huw Powell
>quattro mailing list
>quattro at

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