Chuffling/Warbling Power Steering Pump Belt?

cobram at cobram at
Mon Feb 14 14:40:54 EST 2005

akowalsk at (Alex Kowalski) writes:
> Those Italians must know something ;)
> Started the car this afternoon, it's cold - about 37 degrees.   The 
> idle is still quiet.  When you can hear the FI frequency valve and 
> the aforementioned hydraulic pump belt as the loudest noises...

Two old mechanics tricks to quiet a Vbelt, talcum powder on the belt
(baby powder leaves engine smelling purdy too), or a big crayon (like a
carpenters or tire marking crayon) contacting the belt while it's
spinning (careful, count your fingers when done) enough to coat the
contact area of the belt with crayon will quiet it right down.


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