aiming euros

David duandcc_forums at
Tue Feb 15 14:13:55 EST 2005

Yes, several turns to make even a tiny change from what I remember.

1987 CGT 2.3

> From: "Keith Lawyer" <LawyerKG at>
> Date: 2005/02/15 Tue PM 01:20:20 EST
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: RE: aiming euros
> Well, not exactly what I was asking but it's a start.  Anyone else?
> Is this something where I should expect several full turns to even
> *begin* to see a difference?  Before I installed the lights I did note
> the threads seem very fine.
> And I'm still curious on the tab for the lower adjuster
> Keith L
> >>>  02/15/05 11:06AM >>>
> I said:
> > Well, I'm nothing if not consistent............keeping with the theme
> of
> > struggling w the simplest of tasks, my non-turbo euro lights (Depos
> from
> > Import Vision) are now in and working.
> > 
> > anyway, they're WAY too low on the road.  I see the pretty white
> > plastic knobs on the back of the lights, and I turn them (a lot),
> but
> > nothing happens (watching on my garage door).  Also the lower pretty
> > white plastic knob has some sort of a tab at it's base which will
> swing
> > around about 2/3 of a complete turn in either direction, altho I
> can't
> > discern what said tab is for.
> Lee replied:
> There should be two adjusters on each lamp. The inner adjuster is for
> up/down, the outer adjuster is right/left.
> Lee
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