Motodyne and Mr. Robert Hack - Long

tom winter tom at
Tue Feb 15 16:17:14 EST 2005

on 2/15/05 2:50 PM, Adam A. Luy at Adam at wrote:

> For the life of me, I can¹t remember making any blatent slanderous or libel
> statements in the thread, and I have even searched all the lists and am unable
> to find this thread (if anyone remembers this thread and knows where it is, I
> would love to see it again). . . he proceeded to PHYSICALLY THREATEN ME

I remember the thread and anyone who is legit and runs their business to the
highest ethical standards certainly wouldn't threaten anyone on the phone.
'nuff said. 

In the ski industry we call people "hacks" when they really suck (as skiers
or human beings). Interesting coincidence ;-)


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