86 CGT tapping engine

David.Payne at brinksinc.com David.Payne at brinksinc.com
Wed Feb 16 11:47:04 EST 2005

What were your symptoms of vacuum rod knock and how hard is it to remove?
Thanks, Dave.

|         |           "Ed Kellock"     |
|         |           <ekellock at gmail.c|
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|         |           02/16/05 11:03 AM|
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  |       To:       "Audifans" <quattro at audifans.com>                                                            |
  |       cc:                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  Re: 86 CGT tapping engine                                                                    |

It could be two things: dry lifters or the actuation rod for the
vacuum pump.

In the past, I have been able to reliably eliminate noisy cold lifters
by using Mobil 1 15W50 or equivalent.  I tried Marvel Mystery Oil and
ATF to supposedly clean the lifters, but without the right oil, they
were always noisy at startup.  And if I flogged the car, they could
also get noisy even when warm, and way worse if shut down soon after a
flogging session.  The next cold start was almost painful.  With a
good, not-too-thin synthetic, I never had these problems again.  Your
experience may vary, but that's mine in regard to lifters.

The vacuump pump rod is a different story.  Mine now resides in the
glove compartment.  None of the above would eliminate the rod tapping.
So I removed it.  I live at 6000 feet now and 8500 feet then and
noticed no affect on brake assist.  Again, your experience may vary if
altitude is a factor for you, so just be aware if you go this route.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Donohoe" <mdonohoe at axcessisp.net>
To: "Audifans" <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 7:56 AM
Subject: 86 CGT tapping engine

> After completing the timing belt job, I started the engine to see
how it
> sounded.  The engine will tap for 15-20 minutes while sitting in the
> garage before it quietens.  Do you think this is lifter noise and
> might be the cause?  Some backgound info about this car:  116,000
> sat in a guy's driveway for years, rarely being driven.  Could there
> something wrong with the oil pump?  When the tapping stops, it
> great.  Any ideas here?
> Mark Donohoe
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