cop stories

Adam A. Luy Adam at
Wed Feb 16 13:42:52 EST 2005

This cop-no-lights-behind-you thing happened in a small town outside of Phoenix many years back. Some people got pissed, sued the local PD for entrapment (or something like that) and won the case. Apparently it's a rather illegal thing for them to do.

Just FYI,


Adam A. Luy - President
Routers, Inc.
6730 E. McDowell Rd.
Suite # 133
Scottsdale, AZ 85257
V - 480.941.0472
F - 480.941.0478
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at] On Behalf Of Lee Levitt
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 10:53 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: RE: cop stories

Alex writes:

> I take my eyes off the road and mirrors for about 2 seconds to mess 
> with the stereo.  Next thing I know the interior of the car is 
> ILLUMINATED "BLINK" with a very bright, almost blinding, very brief 
> pulse of searchlight.


I once got pulled over for doing 10 over on the interstate (Mass Pike).
12:30 at night, just minding my own business, empty road, right lane.

All of a sudden my V1 lights up solid. WTF?

Instinctive brake test.

Lights go on *directly* behind me.

The guy had pulled up behind me with *no* lights, fingered his radar and when I braked, he lit things up.

I have a sneaking suspicion, unproveable of course, that if I hadn't braked (this tipping him off to my use of a radar detector), he would have gone on to bigger fish.

Kinda pissed me off. Of course, I was speeding, and I did pay the fine.

'02 A6 3.0 quattro avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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