questions about a '92 100

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Thu Feb 24 11:25:30 EST 2005

JordanVw at wrote:
> i am contemplating on buying a '92 Audi 100 w/ 2.8V6.   the car has 175k mi.  
>  the top end was done 25k mi ago.  but recently the car has had rough idle, 
> lack of power, and the temp gauge wasnt reading warm, and there would be no 
> heat coming from the heater blower motor.

That 10 psi on one bank sounds bad, but not rings or valves bad.
My guess is it's a head gasket, even though it was recently
replaced.  That may also be cause of the lack of heat, although
it could be a bad thermostat, too, or a clogged heater core.

In deference to all those who praise the I5 turbos,
the V6 isn't a bad engine, nor is the C4 100 a bad car.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody", 12V, 2WD
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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