BRAKE PAD POLL:::::Vote Here

Brett Dikeman brett at
Mon Jan 3 14:21:59 EST 2005

At 12:50 PM -0500 1/3/05, Taka Mizutani wrote:

>If you have sheathed SS lines from a reputable manufacturer, this is
>not an issue. Contrary to what you state, I have not seen those "cheap
>made in China" SS lines to which you refer.

The majority of SS lines are sold by two-guys-in-a-garage "tuner" 
companies, places like Autozone, or at auto shows.  They get their 
lines from SE Asia/China.  YOU buy from different places. That 
doesn't mean everyone else does.

>As for what you say about pedal feel, IMHO, you're flat-out wrong.

Whatever, Taka.

"Will I feel a difference on my car if I install SS lines?
The amount of perceived difference will vary by each car's individual 
design, age, and usage. Those cars with a significant amount of 
flexible OEM line or those that have seen years or use and aging will 
typically display a more dramatic improvement in pedal feel than new 
cars with shorter lines."

...and that's from a company very much interested in selling you a set.

>  I noticed a major improvement going from new OEM lines to SS lines.

How long had it been since you swapped to Porsche calipers that you 
decided to go to SS lines?

>If you get SS lines, you need to replace them every 2 years at the
>minimum, every year is ideal, same time as the fluid flush.

Replacing lines every year, lines which cost the same or twice as 
much as the stock lines, is "better" than lines which last upwards of 
ten years?

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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