SS line replacement - was: BRAKE PAD POLL

Rich Beebe rich at
Mon Jan 3 16:02:41 EST 2005

From: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
>> If you get SS lines, you need to replace them every 2 years at the
>> minimum, every year is ideal, same time as the fluid flush.
> Replacing lines every year, lines which cost the same or twice as
> much as the stock lines, is "better" than lines which last upwards of
> ten years?

maybe i've had my head in the sand for a long time, but i've run
SS brake lines on several cars in the past and never heard that
SS lines should be swapped out every 1-2 years before i read it
on audi lists. if SS lines are less prone to expansion (wear),
why would you need to replace them so frequently?


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