VAG question (LAC)
duandcc_forums at
Thu Jan 6 08:32:48 EST 2005
Have you tried the throttle body adaption proceedure? Unplug ECU for at least 30 secdonds, plug in, hop in car and turn on ignition (do not start) witht he door OPEN and leave in the run position for at least 30 seconds. I had similar running problems with my 98 Passat right after I got an UpSolute chip (I was one of the beta testers for Up's USA 1.8T chip). Cleared right up after throttle body adaption...
87 CGT 2.3
> From: "tihol tiholov" <tihol.tiholov at>
> Date: 2005/01/05 Wed PM 05:12:43 EST
> To: <quattro at>
> Subject: VAG question (LAC)
> Sorry for LAC but since this is the most helpful and knowledgeable list
> I'll ask:
> 1999 VW NBeetle 2.0 AEH engine, 220K km, starts cold fine, idles
> smoothly for 2-3 minutes, idle gets lumpier after that.
> (LAC - my 1988 90Q NG does the same)
> Main issues with the VW (the Audi is fine under throttle):
> 1. Misfiring when given throttle, clearing up with throttle play
> (consecutive push-releases)
> 2. Misfiring under load, esp. 2-2.5K RPM when moving from standstill and
> accellerating in 2nd gear
> 3. A couple of days ago barely made it up a mountain with downshifting
> and fiddling with the throttle.
> This has been getting progressively worse over the last couple of
> months. DT Codes for random misfiring and cyl. 1 and 3 misfiring with
> VAG-COM. Sparkplugs are 20K or so, looked good, last night new ign.
> wires.
> First Suspect: vacuum leak, but was one was fixed a few months ago and
> no code for it. Propane torch test - no results, maybe needs repeating.
> Hearing test for sucktion noises - inconclusive.
> Second and third suspects: Coil/ignition module (distributorless
> ignition) and MAF. No codes for either. Is there a way to measure some
> values with a multimeter and find out if they are good?
> Have a Bentley for the car but it's a service manual, no repair
> procedures.
> All ideas much appreciated.
> TIA,
> Tihol
> TT
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