Subject: RE: Porsche 944 question

tihol tiholov tihol.tiholov at
Thu Jan 6 13:16:15 EST 2005

>In my most humble opinion, it would be bordering on sinful to drop an
American made engine into such a critically acclaimed German automobile.
 I probably feel this way because of my perception that American made
cars are crap or maybe because my last American made vehicle was a POS

>1996 Porsche Carrera 4S

Envy mode on ;o)


No flames here, full support instead.  A technological crime and a
travesty at best.  Some justification in hard to find replacement
engines, but still. 
Creativity is a step away from profanization ... or, maybe a hack away
from it ;o) 
Nothing is sacred anymore. 
Like J.J. Roussaeu said: "Everything comes perfect from the hands of the
Lord, everything gets spoiled in the hands of the mortals"  ;o) (he
supposedly did say that)   


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