AAA towing

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Thu Jan 6 19:00:53 EST 2005

At 06:01 PM 1/6/05, you wrote:
>I wonder if this kind of abuse of the service has anything to do with
>why they wouldn't cover the tow, after the fact of course, of my newly
>rolled '91 Avant many years ago.

Nope, it was because they don't tow accident vehicles for free.  Only 
mechanical breakdowns.  I figure they figure that it was (1) your fault and 
therefore should be out of pocket or (2) the other person's fault and their 
insurance will cover it.

My best AAA story:  I locked the keys in a car I was working on, and made 
them come unlock it.

George Selby

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