An Ounce Of Prevention

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Jan 9 17:59:18 EST 2005

"Alex Kowalski" <akowalsk at> wrote:
> Kent, I don't mean to impugn you _*at all*_.  I just think people owning
these cars should be aware of this *other* well-understood, easily
preventable but sometimes overlooked source of trouble.

Yes, they should.  It's one more of those "I had no idea" problems that
arise with owning an Audi.  I thought you were trying to guess what may
have caused the fire.  Let's just say there are many possibilities on our
older cars, and in this case, we may never know.
Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" is no more

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