Fixed my alignment, now oil temperature

Andrew Duane andrew at
Mon Jan 10 10:04:52 EST 2005


I got my new tires installed, and had a full 4-wheel alignment done.
As expected, there was a LOT of negative camber, and also a significant
amount of toe-out. The new rubber rides great, which I wanted for the
500 mile trip to drop my daughter off at college yesterday.

But in the spirit of fixing one thing, so something else goes....
My oil temp is doing funny things. It runs just fine at about 225
degrees. But every once in a while, for about 1 minute, it will
spike up to about 275! You can actually see the guage move it is
so fast. About 5-10 seconds to heat up, stays hot for 1 minute, then
5-10 seconds to cool back down. Regardless of speed. Does this smell
like a guage/sensor/electrical problem to anyone else?


Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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