[V8] Re: Good to see Motodyne is still in...ahem..business.

sdewitt at stx.rr.com sdewitt at stx.rr.com
Tue Jan 11 13:30:26 EST 2005

The 40 Valve V8's use a much different intake manifold sealing surface, making it impossible to bolt up a manifold from the different engines. You might be able to make a second manifold which adapts a 40 valve manifold to a 32 valve manifold, but it wiould still be very difficult.

----- Original Message -----
From: DasWolfen at aol.com
Date: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 11:49 am
Subject: Re: [V8] Re: Good to see Motodyne is still in...ahem..business.

> In a message dated 1/11/05 12:20:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> SuffolkD at aol.com writes:
> > Ask AND you shall receive:
> > 
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4518729393&> fromMakeTrack=true
> > I asked how the unit since its updside down with no pulley 
> around it and 
> > with 
> > the valve train covers on how it could make any power.  I also 
> asked for 
> > MotoDyne contact info (for the "install") of course.
> > HTH - Scott by BOSTON
> I fail to see the point of your criticism. The only underhood 
> issue thats 
> visable is the missing serp belt. Without getting a closer look 
> there is no way 
> anyone can give any other criticism. I suspect the reason for the 
> missing belt 
> is that Motodyne supplied the owner with pics during the 
> installation, notice 
> the outside shots are dated and the underhood shots are not.
> Eaton and Lysholm  superchargers are fully functional in any 
> orientation as 
> long as they are close to level from front to rear. This is due to 
> both having 
> fully self contained oil resevoirs for the rotor bearings/gears. 
> Both s/c's 
> draw air in through the rear bearing plate and discharge out the 
> center of the 
> body.  Installing the s/c upside down allows a simplier intake 
> design and a 
> larger plenum volume without intruding into the hood. If you 
> closely examine a 
> Tbird S/C you will find that its Eaton is also installed upside 
> down with the 
> discharge bonnet feeding the intercooler. It also has an intake 
> that would be 
> extremely cost prohibitive to duplicate. 
> I have never examined a Motodyne car, nor have I ever talked to 
> them. I've 
> heard the horror stories, but I've yet to see a issue with any of 
> the physical 
> parts in any pictures. In this case its obvious that you are 
> looking at an S8 
> with an S/C installed, other than the belt in a few pics. 
> Criticism of a 
> product you have no direct experience with based only on 
> reputation and pictures 
> seems less than fair.
> I'll say this about Motodyne....I'd like to get my hands on that 
> intake and 
> s/c combo.....cause you can bet it wouldnt take much modification 
> to bolt on a 
> PT or ABH.
> Keith
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