CS_Rally cs at csrally.com
Wed Jan 12 08:56:39 EST 2005


I have a skid plate in my CGT.
I built a structure to support it on the front and it goes all the way to 
the foot well.
It might be too much for your application, but I can snap a pic this 
I got the aluminum at a scrap metal yard (1/4" thick).
I made a mock up with card board and cut the aluminum myself.
Then talked the machine principal at the local community college into help 
me with the bends. They have all sorts of cool machines (braker, shears, 
It attaches in 8 points, all of them are 1/2" nuts welded to either the car 
body or the structure. (make sure you use anti-seize on the bolts or 
It is very solid and it had already withstand many very high impacts.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Shawn Manny" <shawn.manny at gmail.com>
To: "Steve Sears" <steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca>
Cc: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:55 PM
Subject: Re: 4KQ SKID PLATE

>i looked for these and had NO luck, even e-bay struck out...our local
> dealers are snobs but I will keep trying. Thanks guys
> On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:30:19 -0500, Steve Sears
> <steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca> wrote:
>> Shawn,
>> Visit your local Merc dealer and ask them to call you when a customer who
>> orders an ML puts the "bush bars" on the front - they discard the 
>> aluminum
>> skid plate.
>> As I posted on November 8/04:
>> Paul,
>> Funny you should ask.  I saw a 4kq a week ago with a _serious_ skid 
>> plate.
>> The car was set up for ice racing, and the plate came from a Mercedes ML
>> SUV - apparently they remove the skid plate to put on those bush bars to
>> protect the SUV from...um...errant shopping carts?...and so the skid 
>> plates
>> just sit around (they're very heavy gauge aluminum).  You have to make up 
>> a
>> bracket to attach the back of the plate, but the front just bolts in. 
>> I'm
>> contemplating visiting the local Merc dealer to see if one would fit 
>> under
>> my 5ktq.
>> Cheers!
>> Steve Sears
>> 1987 Audi 5kTQ
>> 1980 Audi 5k
>> 1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes
>> (SPAM Blocker NOTE: Remove SHOES to reply)
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> > From: Shawn Manny <shawn.manny at gmail.com>
>> > Subject: 4KQ SKID PLATE
>> > To: quattro at audifans.com
>> > Message-ID: <fc6e70eb0501101340158ed3a2 at mail.gmail.com>
>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>> >
>> > HELP! Im looking for someone whose BTDT, I've followed some links here
>> > and there to REALLY high dollar nice stuff, but alas I dont have a
>> > Grouppe B budget, hell Im not even grass roots Im grass seed
>> > motorsports...Looking for some info ,I have the euro etka diagrams,
>> > but am looking for dimensions, mounting points etc...help if  ya
>> > can..TIA
>> > Shawn
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